Friday, January 8, 2016

Natural Cream for Wrinkles and Stretch Marks.

Want to minimize wrinkles naturally? Have stretch marks that are out of control? At one point or another everyone on the planet will have wrinkles. Most of us will also have a stretch mark or two. Male or Female; Wrinkles and stretch marks are a fact of life. Have you recently lost a ton of weight? Are you pushing life into your glory days? Well DIY Herbs has you covered!

This all natural cream for wrinkles and stretch marks will help minimize or in some cases even help eliminate those pesky problems. This simple natural cream for wrinkles and stretch marks will soon become your go to remedy for these problem areas. Lacking in the strong chemicals associated with many over the counter potions and lotions, you can rest assured these simple ingredients are not going to "Build Up" in your system.

Simply apply a thin layer of this natural cream for wrinkles and stretch marks on problem areas once a day. No need to worry about washing it off, as all the ingredients are soft enough that you can apply and forget about it without worries. A word of warning for those placing the cream on "crows feet" essential oils are not the best thing to get in your eyes! So please apply to this particular area with caution making sure it does not get in your eyes.This can be said of any mask or cream from avocado to cucumber however. That said every ingredient included is very "soft" and if you accidentally get some in your eyes it will not be the end of the world. Just be sure to flush them with some water to help prevent any irritation caused by the ingredients. From our family to yours we hope you enjoy our natural cream for wrinkles and stretch marks.


  • 2 Cups raw virgin coconut oil.
  • 1 tablespoon vitamin E
  • 2 tablespoons powdered turmeric
  • 2 tablespoons honey
  • Rosehip Essential Oil
  • Lavender Essential Oil
  • Tin or jars for container


  1. Fill pot halfway with water and place glass bowl inside the pot.
  2. Turn heat on medium low.
  3. Add 2 cups raw virgin coconut oil to measuring bowl you have been warming.
  4. Add 1 tablespoon vitamin E
  5. Add 2 tablespoons honey
  6. Add 2 tablespoons powdered turmeric
  7. Stir mix until honey and vitamin E are completely dissolved and become a uniform liquid.
  8. Add 5 drops lavender essential oil
  9. Add 5 drops rosehip essential oil
  10. Mix until all oils become a uniform liquid.
  11. Pour into tins or jars or any long term container while product is still warm.
  12. Once cool lid your container and enjoy as needed.

Pure essential oils, herbs, and other natural ingredients have been used for centuries. DIY Herbs has done tireless research into the possible benefits of natural ingredients. However, while many of the herbs, essential oils, and other natural ingredients are believed to have healing properties, they are not to be used to self-medicate or treat any form of physical or mental disease or health problem. DIY Herbs does not recommend the use of any DIY Recipe listed on the website as substitute for medical care. Please consult your doctor or qualified health professional should you have any concerns and always consult with your doctor before changing any medications or healing practices.

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